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One-Day Hypertrophy-Specific Training (HST) Course

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One-Day Hypertrophy-Specific Training (HST) Course 

Sunday, March 3rd


City Athletic, Victoria, London, 20 Palace St, London SW1E 5BA

Join us for a full day, Hypertrophy Course, presented by ACA Director Phil Learney. 

I. Introduction to Hypertrophy-Specific Training:

Welcome, and Course Overview: Introductions and an outline of the topics that will be covered throughout the day.

Definition of Hypertrophy: Explanation of  what hypertrophy means in the context of muscle growth and why it's essential for individuals aiming to build muscle mass.


II. Anatomy and Physiology for Hypertrophy:

Understanding Muscle Structure and Function: An overview of muscular anatomy, including muscle fibres, motor units, and muscle contractions.

How Muscles Grow: Explanation of the process of muscle protein synthesis, highlighting the role of resistance training, nutrition, and rest.

Role of Nutrition and Recovery: Discussion around the importance of adequate protein intake, calorie surplus, and quality sleep in supporting muscle growth and recovery.

III. Principles of HST:

Progressive Overload: Understand its significance in stimulating muscle growth. Discussion of various methods of applying progressive overload in HST, such as increasing weight, reps, or intensity.

Specificity: Explain how HST emphasises exercises and training methods explicitly tailored for hypertrophy, including targeting specific muscle groups and utilising appropriate rep ranges.

Periodisation: Understanding the concept of periodisation in HST, including macrocycles, mesocycles, and microcycles, and how they are structured to optimise muscle growth.

Exercise Selection: Differentiate between compound and isolation exercises and their respective roles in an HST programme.

IV. HST Training Program:

Overview of HST Program Structure: Presentation of a typical HST training regimen, including frequency of training sessions, exercise selection, and progression strategies.

Explanation of Rep Ranges, Sets, and Rest Periods: How rep ranges and set schemes influence muscle adaptation and growth and the importance of adequate rest between sets.

Split Routines and Frequency of Training: Discuss different split routines commonly used in HST, such as full-body workouts, upper/lower splits, or push/pull/leg splits, and the frequency of training sessions per week.

Sample HST Workout Routines: Examples of templates for beginners, intermediate, and advanced lifters, demonstrating how exercises, reps, and sets are structured.

V. Nutritional Strategies for Hypertrophy:

Importance of Macronutrients: The role of protein, carbohydrates, and fats in supporting muscle growth, repair, and energy.

Meal Timing and Frequency: The significance of pre-and post-workout nutrition, nutrient timing, and meal frequency for maximising muscle protein synthesis and recovery.

Addressing Common Nutritional Myths: Debunk common misconceptions surrounding nutrition and muscle growth, such as the need for excessive protein intake or reliance on specific "magic" supplements.

VI. Recovery and Rest:

The Significance of Sleep and Rest: The importance of quality sleep and adequate rest periods between workouts for optimal recovery and muscle repair.

Techniques for Managing Stress and Reducing Overtraining Risk: Strategies for managing stress levels, avoiding overtraining, and incorporating active recovery methods like foam rolling, stretching, or low-intensity cardio.

Stretching and Mobility: The importance of flexibility and mobility exercises in preventing injuries and enhancing recovery, incorporating dynamic and static stretching routines.

VII. Monitoring Progress:

Keeping a Training Journal: How to systematically track their workouts, progress, and performance metrics using a training log or mobile app.

Tracking Key Performance Indicators: Identify relevant metrics for assessing progress in hypertrophy training, such as strength gains, muscle measurements, body composition changes, and subjective feedback.

Recognising Signs of Progress or Plateaus: How to interpret progress indicators and adjust their training and nutrition strategies to overcome plateaus and continue making gains.

VIII. Practical Demonstrations (Delivered throughout):

Live Demonstrations of Key Exercises: Perform live demonstrations of fundamental HST exercises, focusing on proper form, technique, and execution to maximise muscle activation and minimise injury risk.

Correct Form and Technique: Coaching cues and corrections for common exercise mistakes, ensuring participants understand how to perform each movement safely and effectively.

IX. Common Pitfalls and Mistakes:

Identifying and Avoiding Common Training Errors: Common mistakes and pitfalls in HST programming, such as lack of progressive overload, improper exercise selection, or neglecting recovery strategies.

Overcoming Plateaus and Setbacks: Strategies for troubleshooting training plateaus, injuries, or setbacks, including adjusting training variables, deloading, or seeking professional guidance from coaches or physiotherapists.

X. Personalised Action Plans:

How to create your own HST Plans: Develop personalised HST training and nutrition plans based on their individual goals, preferences, and constraints.

Setting Realistic Goals and Expectations: Setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals and establishing realistic timelines for achieving their desired outcomes.

XI. Course Evaluation and Feedback:

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